Climate on Oahu

Island holidays are extremely popular, but many people still don’t realize that island holidays are really a great choice for so many different reasons. When you consider your perfect holiday destination, more times than not, a tropical island comes to mind. Bright, clear water, warm, golden sun and lots of peace and quiet – everything can be said to be perfect for an island holiday. But there is so much more to an island holiday than just picturesque scenery. There are all kinds of activities you can do on an island, and here we will look at some of them.

If you are looking for an ideal place for a holiday where you can relax in the sun all day and get as much natural light as possible, then an island in the Caribbean may just suit you. With its relatively high relative humidity and sunshine hours daily of up to 14 hours each day, the Caribbean islands have become the new favourite hotspot for high class holidays. The high relative humidity helps to keep the air cool which makes it enjoyable year round, whereas other climates experience cold winters. In the summer months the heat from the sun is much milder and makes it enjoyable throughout. It is important however to make sure that your Caribbean holiday is not adversely affected by harsh weather.

For those looking for a slightly cooler island holiday where temperatures can be kept more moderate, then a Hawaiian island holiday is a good destination. Hawaii has three large islands – Oahu, Kauai and Molokai. These all have their own special features that set them apart from other islands in the region. They are also situated far enough away from the coast of Australia to avoid too much in the way of adverse weather.

In terms of climate, Hawaii does have one distinct disadvantage compared to the other islands in the Caribbean; it does not receive any snowfall. The only time that snow is found on the Hawaiian Islands is in the autumn when it snows heavily for two or three weeks. However, rainfall makes up the greater part of the average rainfall of the Hawaiian Islands, reaching up to nine times that of the continental United States. This weather is very pleasant and is not felt to affect visitors too negatively.

Compared to other Caribbean islands the weather on Oahu and the other islands in the central Pacific is cooler. However, even with a relatively milder climate Oahu, Kauai and Molokai do still have some tropical storms. The average temperature on each island is higher in the mornings than in the evenings. On Oahu, the evening temperatures are warmer than the daytime high temperature, although this average temperature varies from island to island.

On the other hand, if you are thinking of an Oahu island holiday then you should note that it does get a bit chilly at times and the humidity can be quite high in the evenings. Humidity is higher in the morning than during the day on Oahu, and this can be particularly true in January and February. As well as the higher humidity, there is often a very strong tropical wind on Oahu. As well as being quite hot, the wind is often quite forceful which can cause problems with the structural support of some Oahu homes and hotels.

Average temperatures on Oahu are quite high for the island, although they are nowhere as high as those in the Caribbean. On the other hand, the relative humidity is lower on Oahu due to the large amount of rain it receives. Due to the large amount of rainfall it receives each year, there is usually more than two inches of rainfall on average. This rainfall is quite helpful in replenishing the groundwater which is drained through creeks and rivers. However, the high amount of rainfall and relative humidity can affect the quality of water and can cause the growth of mold and mildew on surfaces such as paved roads and sidewalks.

When it comes to climate on Oahu, there are two distinct seasons – the winter season and the summer season. The summertime on Oahu is quite hot, and the winter months are exceptionally cold. If you are going on an Oahu island holiday during the summer months then you will notice that the daytime high and nighttime low temperatures are consistently warm. At nightfall there is a sudden drop in temperatures but during the daytime temperatures remain relatively constant. In addition to the daytime high and nighttime low temperatures, the humidity on Oahu is also very high throughout the island.

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